Vidyasagar Gurukul English School. reviews

Vidyasagar Gurukul English School.

Vidyasagar Gurukul English School. Contact Details

3.4 based on More reviews

+91 83909 94994

Zhakalwadi Road, Lakhala, Washim, Maharashtra 444505, India


Vidyasagar Gurukul English School., Washim, Maharashtra. Find phone number, address, reviews and ratings of Vidyasagar Gurukul English School.

Vidyasagar Gurukul English School. Opening Hours


Vidyasagar Gurukul English School. Reviews

Prakash Bhakare

Arpita Anand gadekar

Sharda thakare

SAmeer JOshi

Nitesh Rahangdale

Well okkkk...

Wasim Beniwale

Good infrastructure, good culture, good environment.

Paris Bande

One of the good scools in washimRegular oeriod hoursGood teacher staffVarious academic programs are there.

Anchal Dube

Best place for students it will make your child best


Is Vidyasagar Gurukul English School. good for UPSC?

They are rated 6.8 out of 10 based on 5 user reviews. They have been viewed 749+ times so far on our IAS Institutes directory. Read the user reviews, take demo class before joining.

How to contact Vidyasagar Gurukul English School.?

You can contact Vidyasagar Gurukul English School. by calling at +91 83909 94994. The institute is located at Zhakalwadi Road, Lakhala, Washim, Maharashtra 444505, India.

Which academy is best for IAS coaching in Washim?

There are many IAS academy in Washim. Here are top 5, based on reviews and ratings. SMC English School, Washim (4.7), VIDARBH IAS ACADEMY (4.6), Podar International School – Washim (4.6), Shree Samarth School (4.6), SHRI SAMRTH COACHING CLASSES (4.5),

What are peoples saying about Vidyasagar Gurukul English School.?

This is one of review from Sachin Mahajan about them.

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