Yuva Career and Development Academy, Latur reviews

Yuva Career and Development Academy, Latur

Yuva Career and Development Academy, Latur Contact Details

3.4 based on 8 reviews

+91 94229 27727

CG4R+P8W, New Barshi Road, Latur, Maharashtra 413512, India


Yuva Career and Development Academy, Latur, Latur, Maharashtra. Find phone number, address, reviews and ratings of Yuva Career and Development Academy, Latur

Yuva Career and Development Academy, Latur Reviews

Mujammil Masuldar

Akash Birajdar

Vishal Bhosale

Mukesh Dhodi

Shubham Bhosale

Akshay Deshmukh

Prajwal joshi


Is Yuva Career and Development Academy, Latur good for UPSC?

They are rated 6.8 out of 10 based on 13 user reviews. They have been viewed 1017+ times so far on our IAS Institutes directory. Read the user reviews, take demo class before joining.

How to contact Yuva Career and Development Academy, Latur?

You can contact Yuva Career and Development Academy, Latur by calling at +91 94229 27727. The institute is located at CG4R+P8W, New Barshi Road, Latur, Maharashtra 413512, India.

Which academy is best for IAS coaching in Latur?

What are peoples saying about Yuva Career and Development Academy, Latur?

This is one of review from DINESH SUKHADEV YADAV about them.

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