CO-IN PSC Coaching Centre Palakkad reviews

CO-IN PSC Coaching Centre Palakkad

CO-IN PSC Coaching Centre Palakkad Contact Details

based on More reviews

+91 491 254 4764

CO-IN PSC Coaching Centre, Aazra Arcade, Mettupalayam Street, Sultanpet, Palakkad, Kerala 678001, India


CO-IN PSC Coaching Centre Palakkad, Palakkad, Kerala. Find phone number, address, reviews and ratings of CO-IN PSC Coaching Centre Palakkad

CO-IN PSC Coaching Centre Palakkad Reviews

Abhishek Jabez N K

Murali k tharekkad


Kiran M Kumaran

Well and scientific teaching.A cooperative movement.

MK Gupta

better teaching ang class room available


Is CO-IN PSC Coaching Centre Palakkad good for UPSC?

They are rated 0 out of 10 based on 5 user reviews. They have been viewed 555+ times so far on our IAS Institutes directory. Read the user reviews, take demo class before joining.

How to contact CO-IN PSC Coaching Centre Palakkad?

You can contact CO-IN PSC Coaching Centre Palakkad by calling at +91 491 254 4764. The institute is located at CO-IN PSC Coaching Centre, Aazra Arcade, Mettupalayam Street, Sultanpet, Palakkad, Kerala 678001, India.

Which academy is best for IAS coaching in Palakkad?

There are many IAS academy in Palakkad. Here are top 5, based on reviews and ratings. Dots Academy (5.0), NSB ACA – The Best BANK EXAMS COACHING CENTRE (4.9), KBS Academy (4.9), STEPS IELTS ACADEMY (4.8), Iyers Intellect Coaching Centre (4.7),

What are peoples saying about CO-IN PSC Coaching Centre Palakkad?

This is one of review from Santhosh Kumar S about them.

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