Thakshasila IAS Academy , Thrissur reviews

Thakshasila IAS Academy , Thrissur

Thakshasila IAS Academy , Thrissur Contact Details

4.3 based on 6 reviews

+91 88484 12091

3rd floor, Parkhouse buildings, Kerala 680001, India


Thakshasila IAS Academy , Thrissur, Thrissur, Kerala. Find phone number, address, reviews and ratings of Thakshasila IAS Academy , Thrissur

Thakshasila IAS Academy , Thrissur Reviews


Adith Krishna

Reshma Rajan

Lalitha k n



Is Thakshasila IAS Academy , Thrissur good for UPSC?

They are rated 8.6 out of 10 based on 11 user reviews. They have been viewed 1056+ times so far on our IAS Institutes directory. Read the user reviews, take demo class before joining.

How to contact Thakshasila IAS Academy , Thrissur?

You can contact Thakshasila IAS Academy , Thrissur by calling at +91 88484 12091. The institute is located at 3rd floor, Parkhouse buildings, Kerala 680001, India.

What are peoples saying about Thakshasila IAS Academy , Thrissur?

This is one of review from Haseena P m about them.

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Third Floor, Art Of Living Tower, Poothole Road, Kuttipuzha Nagar, Poothole, Thrissur, Kerala 680004, India