Chanakya Coaching Classes Bhiwani reviews

Chanakya Coaching Classes Bhiwani

Chanakya Coaching Classes Bhiwani Contact Details

3.0 based on More reviews

+91 96712 19097

R42V+P2R, Panchayat Pocket, Naya Bazar, Housing Board Colony, Bhiwani, Haryana 127021, India


Chanakya Coaching Classes Bhiwani, Bhiwani, Haryana. Find phone number, address, reviews and ratings of Chanakya Coaching Classes Bhiwani

Chanakya Coaching Classes Bhiwani Reviews


Is Chanakya Coaching Classes Bhiwani good for UPSC?

They are rated 6 out of 10 based on 5 user reviews. They have been viewed 531+ times so far on our IAS Institutes directory. Read the user reviews, take demo class before joining.

How to contact Chanakya Coaching Classes Bhiwani?

You can contact Chanakya Coaching Classes Bhiwani by calling at +91 96712 19097. The institute is located at R42V+P2R, Panchayat Pocket, Naya Bazar, Housing Board Colony, Bhiwani, Haryana 127021, India.

Which academy is best for IAS coaching in Bhiwani?

There are many IAS academy in Bhiwani. Here are top 5, based on reviews and ratings. Ranga Classes (5.0), ML ACADEMY (4.9), Dishayen Coaching Centre (?????? ?????? ??????) (4.8), ICS Coaching Centre, Bhiwani (4.6), Chanakya Coaching Classes Bhiwani (3.0),

What are peoples saying about Chanakya Coaching Classes Bhiwani?

This is one of review from Rajesh Saroha about them.

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