DAV Public School reviews

DAV Public School

DAV Public School Contact Details

3.9 based on More reviews

+91 163 522 2224

Sikhan Wala Road, Street No. 1, near Gaushala, Partap Nagar, Kot Kapura, Punjab 151204, India


DAV Public School, Kot Kapura, Punjab. Find phone number, address, reviews and ratings of DAV Public School

DAV Public School Reviews

Sukhwinder Singh Klota

DAV well known name in education.I like this

Keshav Aggarwal

Best school for quality education

Mandeep Mandeep

Very gd school techars and staf

Jagjit Nagi

This school is against Punjabi language and says childrens to speak Hindi in school .

Manish Singla

Good school with effective teaching and learning processes

Kamlesh Kumar

Very bad. They are the enemy of punjabi language. They stops your children from speaking their mother language. Very bad really very

Laddi Laddi

Its very bad there are many mistakes in note book but teacher tic there some sataf not good

Dreamy Hands

This is the school where all the activities are done like sports,music, dance,rangoli competition, dia and thali decoration, mehndi competition,class decoration etc

Ashok Soni

Office staff not cooperative ,I want to meet with principal but not allowed to me,and state govt fee concession rule are not followed by this school.


Is DAV Public School good for UPSC?

They are rated 7.8 out of 10 based on 5 user reviews. They have been viewed 767+ times so far on our IAS Institutes directory. Read the user reviews, take demo class before joining.

How to contact DAV Public School?

You can contact DAV Public School by calling at +91 163 522 2224. The institute is located at Sikhan Wala Road, Street No. 1, near Gaushala, Partap Nagar, Kot Kapura, Punjab 151204, India.

What are peoples saying about DAV Public School?

This is one of review from Gurbhagat Singh about them. Good study nd good staff here

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