RM Educational Trust reviews

RM Educational Trust

RM Educational Trust Contact Details

4.3 based on 3 reviews

+91 98430 34934

No: 59, RNR Tower, Covai Road karur, Sengunthapuram, Karur, Tamil Nadu 639002, India


RM Educational Trust, Karur, Tamil Nadu. Find phone number, address, reviews and ratings of RM Educational Trust

RM Educational Trust Opening Hours


RM Educational Trust Reviews

Banu Priya

good coaching centre

Chandru Pappu

very good TNPSC Coaching center


Is RM Educational Trust good for UPSC?

They are rated 8.6 out of 10 based on 8 user reviews. They have been viewed 335+ times so far on our IAS Institutes directory. Read the user reviews, take demo class before joining.

How to contact RM Educational Trust?

You can contact RM Educational Trust by calling at +91 98430 34934. The institute is located at No: 59, RNR Tower, Covai Road karur, Sengunthapuram, Karur, Tamil Nadu 639002, India.

Which academy is best for IAS coaching in Karur?

There are many IAS academy in Karur. Here are top 5, based on reviews and ratings. Reach Academy (5.0), RaMax Academy (4.8), TNPSC STUDY CIRCLE (4.8), RM Educational Trust (4.3), RK Academy (4.0),

What are peoples saying about RM Educational Trust?

This is one of review from mohan ramasamay about them.

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RK Academy

17,RP MUTHU Plaza, Near Thinnappa Theatre near , North Ramakrishnapuram, Near Jeyam Towers, Karur, Tamil Nadu 639001, India